August 18 – August 20 at 5pm CDT
In Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Gulf Coast
Iridology is the interpretation of the shapes, colors, and markings of the iris. You can expect to learn more than just the basics, as this class covers information about iris analysis and what to do to help yourself and your clients improve health situations using herbs, flower essences, oils, etc…
Sclerology is using the red lines in the eyes to discover “pointers” to our health issues. Sclerology may be used alone, but reveals the most in the hands of an iridologist who knows the genetic constitutional patterns of the iris.
This will be the first of two class dates leading toward certification through the International Iridology Practitioners Association.
Contact Dr. Betty Sue, O’Brian, NP, CCII, a Diplomat Instructor at SINH for more information
Phone: 228-257-1946